About Me

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I feel like I can't always tell people how I feel, what's on my mind. So that's what this is for. It is all honest, all truth, how I really feel. There are no lies here. I feel lost when it comes to things, and it helps to write them down. And honestly, nothing on here is a secret. I've got nothing to hide. I have a secret (now not so secret) fear of ghost's. My favorite color is red. I can be very random at times, but most of the time I am pretty serious. Autumn is my favorite time of the year. The holidays are best when spent with friends. I am not a huge reader, but when I do sit down with a book, it really needs to keep me interested. I love food, and when I say that I mean it. I speak hindi,desi(u.p.) and english, although I am a bit self-conscious of it. I also hate listening to people eat. I am addicted to tea... I am sure there is a lot more you'd like to know, but honestly, I can't give you a life history. If you want to know, just ask!........

Sunday, March 21, 2010

In india 50% of politicians are spouses of the late past leaders.......

Aam Aadmi Khe Badte Kadam, Har Kadam Pe Bharat Bulund ! HAI HIND!!!!!!
Exactly, long live Indian type democracy. Are these sons and daughters of Indian politicians of use for nothing else. Why don't the people of India understand after decades or through out the free India's decades Congress has been in power. What have we achieved? May be just one step above Pakistan? With all our mineral resources, educational syatem, bright students, vast lands etc. etc. etc. along with corruption, is this all we should have achieved. We still vote for an uneducated politicain and send him/her to state assembly or central parliament.  I was just browsing through MLA's online, so many of them are there b'se they are spouses of the late past leaders. There is certainly something fishy here.  The people are certainly not voting for these estranged spouses, the votes are just rigged. When will India arise awake ans rest not until it has become sans corruption, nepotism,dynastic parties and governments?

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