About Me

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I feel like I can't always tell people how I feel, what's on my mind. So that's what this is for. It is all honest, all truth, how I really feel. There are no lies here. I feel lost when it comes to things, and it helps to write them down. And honestly, nothing on here is a secret. I've got nothing to hide. I have a secret (now not so secret) fear of ghost's. My favorite color is red. I can be very random at times, but most of the time I am pretty serious. Autumn is my favorite time of the year. The holidays are best when spent with friends. I am not a huge reader, but when I do sit down with a book, it really needs to keep me interested. I love food, and when I say that I mean it. I speak hindi,desi(u.p.) and english, although I am a bit self-conscious of it. I also hate listening to people eat. I am addicted to tea... I am sure there is a lot more you'd like to know, but honestly, I can't give you a life history. If you want to know, just ask!........

Monday, April 26, 2010

The best way to cheat in exam

Aam Student Khe Badte Kadam, Har Kadam Pe Bharat Bulund ! HAI HIND!!!!!!

Methods of Cheating

Looking method

This is the simplest trick in the book, and involves simply peeking at the paper of another student. Try not to make it too obvious. Pretend you are cracking your neck or something like that.

Pen Cap method

This only works with pens with caps!

First, take short notes on a small slip of paper. Make sure it will fit inside a pen cap.

Roll up and slip the paper in the cap of the pen you are going to use. Put the cap back on the other end of the pen(tip exposed so you can write).

Remove the cap and pull out your notes when you need to(will take some effort). Whwn you are done, reroll the paper and put it back in the pen cap. Put the cap back on the end of your pen and keep working. Repeat if nessesary.

If this is done a lot, people might start to get suspicious of cheating. Do it as little as possible and only when absolutely nessesary.

Using multiple pens will give you more notes.

Alternative Sleeve Method

First, you must have a long sleeve shirt or hoodie. Have a piece of paper with your notes or answers to the test written in one small column on the paper. Then tear or cut out all of the paper without any information on it. The slide the paper with your notes or answers into your sleeve. On the day of the test slowly slide the paper out of your hoodie towards your wrist making sure to keep any revealed paper behind your hand and read whatever you need. Its much easier if you sit towards the back of the class.

Pencil method (easiest method)

This method works well, especially if you are seated where no one is behind you. Bring a mechanical pencil to school the day before the test, so it is not too obvious you are cheating. Write some notes on a small piece of paper, and roll it inside the pencil, where the lead goes. Bring this pencil to the test, but have only half a piece of lead in the pencil. Answer the questions you know first, then make it obvious you're out of lead. Open your box of lead, take one out, then open your pencil. Hide the pencil in your desk, look at the notes, then close the pencil. When done with the notes, and test, roll some chewed up gum in the wrapper and throw the evidence away.

White Colored Pencil Method

This method is also very easy. All you need is the kind of paper your teacher makes you use during tests. For instance, my English teacher always has my class and I use looseleaf. Write notes as you would normally do, but with white colored pencil. Marker might also work. Do not use white out, others are able to see it for a distance. You might want to press a little so you can see the notes during the test.

Ideogram Method

Know that ideograms are symbols used to represent words.

Doodle something to represent a word for a test and nobody would think twice about it. Example The name Friedrich Nietzsche would translate into:

a doodle of Fred Flintstone (fred); A bag of money(rich); a ball of yarn with needle(knit as in Niet); a yin-yang chi symbol (chi). #*Those symbols would translate to:

(fred)(rich)(knit)(chi) saying the words out loud easily reveals the name.

[This method works best with one word answers on tests without word banks and it helps if you are good at mad libs and drawing]

White Ink Method

This is more a case of hiding your notes/cheats in plain sight. The day before a test write all the cheats/notes on your coversheet, notebook(or in/on another place/object that you are sure to have around on test day). Write in a barley visible color eg. pale yellow or white (or another color that is camouflaged by the object it is written on). They also sell skin colored gel ink, depending on your skin color this would be another simple method to cheat.

Backpack method

Leave your notes in an open backpack, which is covered by your leg. When the teacher isn't looking, move your leg to reveal the notes.

Paper Method

Maybe you're taking a vocabulary quiz or test, and you can't memorize anything. Here is a great idea for you. (You have to be prepared the day before)

Rewrite all of the spelling and the definition on a another paper, and that will be your final quiz/test

The next day, you will sit at the back and take out the "final quiz/test" and other sheet of paper

(This only works with if you have a hole in your desk, like in middle schools.) You put your final quiz inside the hole and try to look like your are writing and doing your quiz.

If you don't have a hole in your desk, then keep your bookbag with you. Don't leave it in the floor but hanging in your seat. Keep it open.

When time is almost up, quickly switch the 2 papers and keep the final copy in the top of the desk. When the teacher is going to collect it, just hand it to him/her.

When the bell rings, take the other copy and crumple it up, and when you are going outside in the hallway for next class, just throw it out in the trashcan or if the teacher checks in the trashcan, then throw it in the hallway or your class trashcan.

Note: When switching papers, don't switch it when the teacher is next to you. If you don't want to switch, then keep the final copy in the floor and when you are going to hand it in, just pick it up, like your paper accidentally went to the floor, and later on hide the other copy.

Another note: Beware that if they are snitch and teacher's pet anywhere. They just want to be perfect to the teacher, by telling on you. It is recommended you sit where no one is is sitting.

The Black Red Pen Method

If tests are corrected in class, insert black ink into a red pen. Write down the answers while the teacher is distracted, and switch the black pen for a genuine red pen if the teacher comes near.

Wooden Pencil Method

Write small notes on one side of a pencil which is kept on your desk, with the notes facing down. Simply rotate pencil to reveal notes.

Scantron Method

This method will not work if the grades are automatically logged into the system and the machine is set to automatically mark an MCQ with more than one response (by the student) as wrong.

If you are taking a scantron test, (fill in the bubble tests often used in standardized tests, but also given by teachers) it will be graded by machine. However, you can fool the machine. If you are stuck between two answers, simply fill in both bubbles. The scantron will pick up on the darkest bubble. When the test is returned and you are checking it over with the class, pay attention. If the answer that the machine marked was correct, simply erase the incorrect bubble to make it appear as if you changed your mind on the test. If it marked it as incorrect, slightly erase the incorrect answer and tell your teacher that the scantron machine made an error and marked the less-darkened bubble. This works more with gullible teachers; some have been able to fool teachers many times with this method. However, do not do this on every test as your teacher will catch on eventually.

Rubber Method

Note: Only works with thick rubbers.

Before the test (at home, for example), take a rubber, and use a long, thin object (rulers work well) to saw through the middle of the rubber (the width, not length). Don't go so far as to snap it in half. Gently bend the rubber so that the middle is revealed. Write notes or anything else in the middle, and let the rubber go back to its normal position. During the test, simply take the rubber out of your pencil case, bend it in half (pretend to be fiddling about), memorize the notes, and write them down.

Toilet Tank Method

Note: This must be prepared beforehand.

Go to the toilet, and choose a specific stall. One that you're sure you'll remember.

Go inside, lock the door, and open the top for the toilet tank. Usually, the water level doesn't fill the tank all the way, so use that dry space to tape your notes to.

Ask to go to the bathroom during the exam, after you've finished doing all the questions you know. If you're not allowed, accept it. Someone can escort you to the bathroom if needed.

Go into the stall you chose, lock the door, and take a look at the notes. Try not to make much noise if there are other people in the bathroom.

Flush when you're done, to make it sound authentic, and go back and write down the rest of the test.

Go back to the stall after the exam to destroy the evidence.

Erasable Pen Method

They sell erasable ink now, you can go to any store and buy one this may not work for some tests though, but if you do, do the test with this pen, and if you get to check it yourself, when the teacher says to " get out a pen and she better not see a pencil" take off the eraser part and put it in between your legs or something, then when you go to check it, erase the wrong answer and right it back, its in ink so she wont expect a thing!

Foot Signal Method

This one is recommended for multiple choice tests featuring letters or numbers.

Find a smarter classmate who will let you cheat from him/her. Agree some foot signals beforehand e.g.:

One quiet step of a foot means A or 1.

Two steps means B or 2.

Tapping your feet using your toes means by 10, and tapping your feet using your sides means by 5.

Rubber Band Method

This is best for formula etc., and is done quite simply.

Take a wide rubber band, stretch it out really widely and place books inside to keep it from getting small again.

Write your notes/cheats on the stretched out rubber with a black ballpoint pen, making sure to write your letters as close as possible, while it's stretched out.

Let it return to its original size, and the notes will just look like black boxes, not cheats.

Wear the rubber band as a bracelet to your test, and when you need the answers, just stretch the rubber band out, and when done, let it snap back.

Calculator Method

For tests allowing calculators, use any sort of text-based memory to record all the equations, notes, theorems, proofs, etc. Create a fake, password protected program and use the text box. No teacher will ever be able to access it. However, most exams do not allow programmable calculators and invigilators may check. Part 2. If you have a Scientific Calculator, preferably a TI- Silver Edition, you may use the green Alpha button to write in theorums and answers on it. This way, there's no physical proof you ever did anything wrong (unless your teacher sees the theorums or snatches the calculator out of your hand while your working). If a suspicious teacher comes over, you hit Clear and the evidence's gone. The one problem with this method is, you can't use your calculator while the answers are on the screen or you'll erase your answers. So quickly jot down the theorums/ answers (lightly) on the test and hit Clear, in order to work with your Calculator.

Shoe Sole Method

Get a piece of paper, and write down what you want on there. Afterward, tape it to the sole (bottom) of your shoe. During the test, just cross your legs in a way that the answers are very visible to you, and if the teachers comes nearby, just put your feet flat on the ground.

Glare Method

If you need to know a few things in a certain order or a list of things, before the teacher hands out the test and you are given a minute to study a little. Write the answers on your desk only in a spot where you can see it if the glare from the light hits it. Once you are finished wipe it off for no evidence.

Sweatband Method

Works better if you're an athletic person

Start to wear a sweatband a few weeks before the test, as if to make it seem like an item that you're going to wear periodically.

Prepare a mini sheet of paper and attach it to the sweatband.

Check your notes by taking it off and then when done, put it on the same wrist.

Rid the notes, and continue wearing the sweatband for a week or so.

I.D. Badge Cheat

In order to do this, you must have an I.D. badge that you wear to school.

The day before the test, write tiny notes on the sheets of paper, that you will need for the test.

If you don't have a cover on badge, tape it on the back. (But don't make it obvious!)

The day of the test, have your I.D. Badge hanging around your neck, that way the badge will automatically fall into your lap.

Make sure not to keep flipping the badge over to the side where the notes are, or the teacher will catch on.

After test, ball the paper up, and put it in your book bag, or in your pocket, until you get to another class.

6. Get rid of the evidence, in that classroom.

You can also write on the back of the I.D. with pencil. It's hard to see, but in the right light is visible only to you. When done, it's easily erasable it with your thumb. *

The notes cheat

This is useful for writing formulas on math tests or science tests

1. The night before the test, write your formulas on the back of a sheet of paper. 2. Make sure they are light and in pencil! 3. Turn to the back every time you need a formula. 4. Erase the evidence and turn the test in!

Whiteout Cheat

If the notes are required to be handed in after a test: 1. Write your cheats on the page in pen. 2. Use the tape type of whiteout and whiteout all your notes. 3. On the day of the test, use an eraser and rub it off. 4. When you're done, whiteout your notes. And doodle on it. so it won't look suspicious.

The Long Sleeve Cheat

1. Write some notes on your arm, the front, facing you, where your veins are. 2. During the test, peek inside your sleeve but do not pull it down. 3. At the end of the test, make sure your sleeve is pulled up at least to your knuckles. 4. Wash the notes off afterwards.

The Klutz Cheat

1. Sit next to friend while taking the test.
2. Have your friend "accidentally" drop their paper.
3. Pick up the paper slowly and look at the answers while giving it back.

Wallet Cheat

1. Write some notes on a paper that's green and shaped like a dollar.
 2. Get a wallet ( with real money, of course!) and put your "money" inside.
3. Bring your wallet to school and put it out in front of you.
4. If the teacher asks why you have a wallet out, say you want to make sure nobody steals it.
5. When your teacher returns to his/her desk, pull out the money and notes.
 6. Cheat away!

Bathroom Method

This is the second easiest way not to get caught (the first is not to cheat in the first place). Note that the person giving the test may have caught on to the trend in bathroom cheating and may not let you go.

Have a calculator or some exam notes in your pocket and while taking the test, write questions down on a piece of scrap paper.

Go to the bathroom, whip out the cheats and work out your answers.

For Essay Tests

This is a brick wall in the cheating world. You can either try to copy or BS your way through it, but one thing will get you the points: Teachers are usually looking for specific words or phrases to be used, and they usually tell you them in class the day before the test.

Know the teacher, know the buzz-words, and be able to BS it well. Sorry, no silver bullet here.


Get some plasters or stickers and write down your information, buzz words, etc. on the sticky side of them.

Stick them on your hand, wrist or arm on exam day.

When the test comes, lift up the plaster to reveal your helpful hints.

"Whoops" TechniqueManage to obtain a copy of the test.

Mark the correct answers on this copy.

When you get the actual test, write some stuff on it and pretend to be thinking (or scrambling if it is a different version).

Just before tests are collected, pull out your original copy and stash the other; and turn in the good test.

If it is a different version, you may still be able to get away with it by turning in the wrong one, and when asked, say it was the one they gave you, and stick to that (this works best for essay type tests).

Hidden Cheat

Write out your exam notes on a small piece of paper before the test, and slip the paper into the shaft of your pen.

During the test, you can just take apart your pen and read the information needed. As always, make sure you don't get seen.

Gum WrapperBuy some gum before the test - not in a package, but some that comes individually wrapped.

Open the package and carefully unwrap a stick of gum, so as not to rip the wrapper.

Take a small sheet of paper, write your info and put it under the gum, wrapping the stick again.

Put it back in the pack on top and take a few out so it looks like a pack you've had for a few days.

During the exam, when the proctor isn't looking, eat the gum and read your info.

Pretend to get tired of the stick and put it back in the wrapper so you "destroy" your cheat notes and thus don't get caught.


Get a pack of gum that comes in a circular tin, like Ice Breakers Sours gum/mints.

Cut out a circular piece of paper the size of the tin and open the "to share" side to read the notes. Only have a few pieces of gum in there, though, so that you won't look suspicious when you throw it away.

This works even better under the padding of Altoids.

Band-AidThis usually only works with small notes, and if you are an athlete (football, skateboarding) this works even better.

Get the biggest Band-Aid you can.

Write the some notes on the cloth-like part of the band-aid. Red (blood), brown (dried blood), or yellow/green (pus) works best, but you could really use any color.

Put it on your elbow or knee.

Scratch the Band-Aid as if it itches when test time comes. Then, act like you're going to fix your band-aid.

Pretend you're looking at the wound, but don't pull it completely off (you don't have a wound!).

Look at the answers.

Do not take the band-aid off during school! Administrators will see you're faking.

Desk Cheat

Before the test, get a good sheet of notes, formulas, complicated questions and answers, etc. and have it all summarized on a sheet of paper.

Take the sheet and glue/tape it on to the bottom of the desk that you KNOW that you will be sitting at. Place it so that the top is at side of the desk furthest from you.

During the test, simply drop your pencil under the desk, reach for it, look up and enjoy your answers (do not stare for too long or the teacher might notice).

Desk Cheat 2

Print out a small strip of paper the thickness of the desk with the answers and put small strips of tape on the ends.

Tape the paper to the edge of your desk or the desk closest to you, and if the teacher walks by, cover it with your arm.

Desk Cheat 3

This works best in the back of class.

Before class, when the teacher isn't there, write formulas etc. on the desk in pencil.

If the teacher walks by, just slide your paper over it.

If you're not in the back of the class, or if the teacher periodically patrols the desk aisles, try writing very, very light on the desk so it doesn't stand out.

Instead of writing out entire words or sentences, just use one letter (preferably a starting letter) to remind you what the full answer is, and just spread them out across your desk, instead of writing them all in one clumped area.

Another good place to write is in the small indent where you can put a pencil at the edge of your desk, as it is both difficult to see that spot while walking by, and you can place a pencil over your cheats without suspicion.

When class is over you can simply erase the notes. (This works extremely well with light colored desks and pencil; use of pen isn't recommended.)

Desk Cheat 4

Before class attach double sided (circled) tape to the desk. Sneak a normal sized sheet of notes. Read off your lap. If you feel threatened, pop your knee up and attach the paper to the top of the desk. Remember, less motion means less visibility.

Science class with specialized computer programsSet up a network with your friends via common chat programs and have at it.

Note card Cheat

Note: This only works on multiple page tests.

Write notes, answers, etc, on the front and back of a few note cards. If you must, study half of what you need to know, and write down the other half.

On the day of the test, wear a sweatshirt with long sleeves. Slip the note cards into the sleeve.

When you get the test, slip the note cards from your hand, to the second or third page of the test. When you go to look at the cards, it will look like you just are looking at pages ahead.

When you actually get to the page on the test where the note cards are, slip them back into your sleeve and slip them on to another page. Near the end of the test, slip the note cards back into your sleeve.

Note-Belt Cheat

Make sure you have a belt, and cut out a piece of paper slightly shorter than the belt is tall/wide, and about 6-10 inches long.

Write out all of your notes on this piece of paper (one side only), then attach it to the inside of your belt.

Come test-day, make sure you have this belt on you, and that it is relatively loose.

When you want to read the notes, simply suck in your gut, and read from the inside of your belt. This may work better if you tuck in your shirt beforehand, so that it does not seem odd that you are lifting up your shirt.

Water Bottle CheatGet a water bottle and very carefully remove the label/wrapper that wraps around the middle of the bottle.

If it is thick enough, write your cheat-sheet/notes on the back of the label (the white part that sticks to the bottle) or attach the label to a sheet of thin paper with a glue stick or tape.

Re-attach the label to the bottle.

Look through the bottle at just the right angle, and you will be able to read your notes through the clear water within.

Sign Language Cheat

Only works with multiple choice exams, and requires a friend and some planning.

Get your friend's attention in a predetermined way (e.g.: coughing, whistling, knocking, stretching, etc.).

Tell them the number of the question you are stuck on by using your fingers on one hand, e.g. "one" by sticking out your index finger, immediately followed by "two" by sticking out your index and middle finger together would mean question #12. You can do numbers greater than 4 by using your thumb to denote a plus sign. For example, index-middle + index-middle-ring + thumb + index-middle-ring-pinky = question #27.) In response, your friend can give you the answer to the question by showing you his thumb (A), index (B), middle (C), ring (D), or pinky (E) finger, or by placing their pencil in a predetermined position for each answer.

If you're worried that the sign language could result in some miscommunication, try asking the friend beforehand to alert you (via a subtle noise like a foot tap) each time they finish a question so that you don't have to worry about which question they're answering. If the friend is far away, tell them to sound out the answer to each question as well because you probably won't be able to tell him/her which questions you need the answers to. However, this works up close as well, since you can just follow the friend along with his/her test without really having to worry about looking up. However, this only works on multiple choice tests unless you develop some kind of numerical tapping/sign system. Also, if the friend is loud enough, multiple people can benefit from his/her answers. The only problem with this is that it can be rather conspicuous and your friend will go down with you if you get caught, or worse, only the friend will get caught unless he/she tells on you.

Body Parts Cheat

Get a pen (red works best as it blends best with skin tone) and write little notes on any area of skin on your body.

The ankles are good if you wear jeans and can cross your legs.

The wrists are good if you can write on your veins with blue pen.

On the inside of your thighs you can write formulas if you wear shorts.

One of the best places to put notes are on your hands, for several reasons: *1) You will be using them during the whole test, *2) It is easy to hide with another hand or a shirt sleeve. Write short notes on the lines and wrinkles of your palm, the sides of the fingers, or the little piece of skin between your fingers.

Calculator Legs Cheat

Practice beforehand so you know where all the buttons are on your calculator

In your math test, put your calculator in between your legs and whenever you need to use it, type in the sum and pretend you are rotating your neck so you can glance at your calculator to see the answer.

Sleeve Note Cheat

Get a small piece of paper and write all your notes up beforehand.

Slip it into your sleeve on the day of the test, and when you need it just pull a small portion of it out, look at it under the desk, put it back into your sleeve and keep writing.

In-Desk Cheat

Only works if you are not in total view of the teacher.

Have your notebook with all your math questions and/or answers on it and just shove it in your desk

Take it out and act like you are using it for paper to do the equation on.

Pencil-to-Desk Cheat

Get to class a few minutes early, then pull out your study guide/notes that you will need on the test.

Place them on the desk and pretend to write marginal notes on the papers, but really copy some short, abbreviated notes onto the desk. Try to write really fast.

When your teacher starts passing out tests, put your notes away and use what you have written on your desk. This trick is effective for short, hard to memorize notes because you can easily cover up the lead writing with your forearm and erase it afterward.

Headache Cheat

Write your information onto your hand.

Pretend you're under traumatic stress during the test by rubbing your eyes or head as if you have a headache.

Look at the answers on your hand while you rub your head and/or eyes. It's almost foolproof, since all you're doing are the natural reactions of one under stress. This will not work with teachers who check hands before the test starts.

ScrapsTake advantage of the allowance of scrap-paper by pre-making your own. Write the notes, formula, equations, symbolic functions, etc. so that you can just look at them when you are taking the test.

Make sure that you are still lightly tracing your pre-wrote notes during the test so your teacher won't be suspicious.

The Cover Sheet Cheat

Put two pieces of paper on top of each other.

Write your notes on the top page, being sure you press hard. Upon the removal of the top sheet imprints of your notes will be visible on the underlying sheet.

Use the sheet with imprints to cheat on the test.

The Mechanical Pencil Trick

Get an opaque mechanical pencil which takes in about 0.7 lead or thicker. Write all your notes on a single piece of paper and roll it up. Pop out the eraser from the pencil and slide your notes in. So whenever you need to look at some notes, pretend that you're changing the lead and sneak a peak at the notes. This works well because a teacher isn't going to look inside your pencil for cheat notes...

The Hidden Leg Style (most preferable for students who wear pants):
 This is really helpful for long essay tests. If you already know what the exam will be but don't know how to answer a long essay, print or write the answer on a long or short bond paper. Before you go to your school or university, wrap the bond paper that you printed around your legs then tape it at both ends but be sure that you can twist the bond paper for you to read the other parts. When the test have started, make your legs to shape like a #4 with the cheating leg on the top then easily pull the part of your pants that covers the bond paper. When the teacher or professor goes around to check, just change the position of your legs or sit down normally and the part of the pants that hides the paper will automatically go down and cover the paper again.

The Invisible Ink: (suggested for people who know that they will be taking their exams in their own classroom): Using security ink that shows up under UV light, write your cheats on the wall before the exam starts (make sure that the wall that you'll be writing on has a small column near it and is discreet, for example below desk level). When you get stuck, focus a UV torch on the invisible ink, and your answer is revealed. Your friends could also bring torches to view the same answers (but ensure you don't tell anyone who is likely to snitch on you if they are caught).

In-Pen Trick: (works best if the teacher uses study carols or dividers to keep you from cheating off each other) You will need a pen with a see-through body so you are able to see the ink cartridge. Print a study guide or small cheat sheet in very small font, but not too small that the writing is illegible (size 6 or 7 is recommended). Next, dismantle the pen and tape the cheat sheet on the inside circumference of the pen's body. Put the pen together again. You should be able to see the cheat sheet inside the pen, if you cannot, disassemble the pen and replace the paper until you can see it.

The Shoe Trick: (This works best if you have shoes you dislike or on Converse that you enjoy writing on.) First, you have to put everything you need to know on the sole or the side of your shoe (the side that if your crossing your legs, you can view) When you are taking the test, act like your crossing you legs (the way the men do it) and look at the side of your shoe. Then when a teacher is walking past, put your leg down.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Modinagar (मोदीनगर)

Modinagar (मोदीनगर) is a town city and a municipal board in Ghaziabad district in the Indianstate of Uttar Pradesh. It is approximately 45 kilometres north-east of New Delhi. It is approximately equally distant from Meerut and Ghaziabad because this town is situated at mid-way on Ghaziabad Meerut National highway No. 58. It is best known as the home of Modi Mills. In the recent years, Modinagar has been developed as an educational hub as many new institutions are coming up in and around the city due to its location near capital.


It lies in Lat. 280 50' north and Long. 770 35' east, 25 km north-east of Ghaziabad on theDelhi-Mussoorie National Highway (NH-58). Parallel to this road runs the Delhi-Saharanpursection of the Northern Railway with a railway station here. A metalled road, going to Hapur, originates from the town. Modinagar Railway station is in between Meerut and Ghaziabad stations. Most of the major express trains as well as all general passenger trains from Delhi to Meerut-Haridwar-Dehradun route stop at this Railway station.


It is of recent origin, having been founded by Ch. Daryao Singh
Begumabad village, which has contributed about 571 acres (2.31 km2) of its area to the making of this town, is a much older place and is said to have been founded by one Nawab Zafar Ali and to have been named Begumabad by a lady of the royal family of Mughals in Delhi when this place passed into her hands. Gujar Mal Modi established many industries here along with various quarters for workers and officers of Modi mills group. Most of the worker quarters in areas like Govindpuri, Devendrapuri, etc. were constructed for army persons by Indian army of Meerut cantt. But, when these quarters were built finally, army realised that these are too far from Meerut cantt. and thus they sold these quarters to Modi groups for their workers. These quarters of 5 different types, depending on the status of working persons: single room for workers, double room for jobbers grade, officers colony, managers colony, and Kothis for highest grade officers. The magnificent bunglaw of Modi's called " Modi Bhawan" is still there on NH 58 road.

Metamorphosis of Modinagar

Earlier, its importance was considerably due to the growth of Modinagar as an industrial town. Sugar, vegetable oil, textiles (including rayon & silk), soap, paints, varnishes, lanterns glycerine, rubber tyres, cotton yarn, torches, carbon-di-oxide, gas and flour were produced at Modinagar. so, Modinagar was once considered as a prosperous and economically growing industrial town. But, the constant workers strike and dirty union politics in factories enforce the Modi group to close many of its Mills and factories. In fact, many of the educational institutes in Modinagar are built in the premises of Mills and factories, for example K N Modi Enggineering college has been established in Modi thread mills. After the closure of Modi Group of Mills in Modinagar around 1980's, the plight and bad days of thousand of its workers began. Many of them migrated from this town to their hometowns, whereas many of them move forward to do work in and around Delhi region.
The rapid pace of time, has changed Modinagar, from once renowned industrial town to well known educational hub. Many private enggineering, dental, management, para-medical and educational colleges are blooming like mushrooms in the town. After the creation of Ghaziabad district in 1975 Modinagar became a Tehsil. New govt. offices were built. The town became municipal corporation and developed rapidly.
Some recently established new industries like Modinagar Paper Mills Ltd. and Modinagar Rolls Ltd.  are trying to bring back the town's industrial image, which is moving ahead with MRL Printing Rolls Pvt. Ltd., MRL Coaters and Platers, and ANSH Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd..
A temple (built in the early nineteenth century by Rani Bala Bai Sindhia) which was formerly in the village of Begumabad, is now included in the notified area of Modinagar. "Modi Mandir" is the name by which the temple is commonly known as and is located on NH-58 (Delhi- Badrinath National Highway) opposite to Modi Bhawan.


This city is rising as "The City Of Education" from Last some years. There are many institution, colleges and school in town.
This city provide the education to Child from Mother's Lap to Doctorate Degree. Major educational institutes of Modinagar are:
  • Modinagar Institute of Technology
  • NCR Business School
  • Modi Science & commerce Inter College was founded in 1942 and started the education trend in the area, which was inaugurated by the first Prime Miniter of India- Mr Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1952
  • Dr. K.N. Modi Institute of Engineering and Technology, first Private engineering college of Uttar Pradesh
  • Multani Mal Modi Post graduate Degree College was founded in 1957 and offers P G and Doctorate degrees.
  • 'Center for Management Development (C.M.D), established in year 1983 for providing Management education
  • Rukmani Modi Girls Inter College
  • Dayawati Modi Girls Degree College
  • KNGD Modi Engineering College (KNGD)
  • 'Tulsi Ram Maheshwari Public School
  • [[SRM University (NCR campus)]]
  • IDST Dental College
  • D.J Dental College
  • 'K.S Jain Engineering College
  • Dayawati Modi Public School
  • SRM University (NCR campus)'
  • Institute of Management & Technology
  • Unique Instt. Of Management
  • International Institute of Fine Arts (IIFA)
  • Dr K N Modi Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Research
  • Adarsh Kanya Girls Inter college
  • Maharishi Dayanand Inter college
  • PBS Inter college
  • Chhaya Public School, GT Road Govindpuri
  • Amit Sharma Modinagar

Market and shoppings

Modinagar established in NH-58 highway, so all main markets are around Highway.
  • Dr. K.N. Modi Complex Market, near Punjab National Bank
  • Gandhi Market, Opposite Bus Stand
  • Nisha Cyber City Upper Bazzar, Bus Stand
  • Upper Bazzar, Bus Stand to Modi Mandir
  • Rukmani Market, Opposite Railway Road
  • Bhagwan Ganj Mandi, Near Tibra Road
  • Mobile Market, Subhash bazzar, Opp K.N. Modi Inter College, Adarsh Nagar
  • Choti Market, Govindpuri
  • Joshi Market, Raj Chaupla, Near Hapur Road
  • Vishal MegaMart, Sant pura, Govindpuri

Religion and beliefs

Modinagar is a peaceful and harmonious town. Hindus form the majority of population, along with Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Christians. Their religious establishments are present in the town:
  • prachin shiv mandir, sikri kalan.
  • Kali singh bhuri singh gram devta, sikri kalan.
  • Laxmi Narayan Mandir, Opp. Modi Bhawan, Near Sugar Mill.
  • Devi Maha Maya Mandir, Vill. Sikri Kalan.
  • Chatri Wala Shiv Mandir, Opp. Bus Stand.
  • Jain Mandir, Near Steel Factory.
  • Sai Baba Mandir, Opp Modi Textile.
  • Gurudwara Shree Guru Singh Sabha, Gurudwara Road.
  • Masjid, Kidwai Nagar, Begmabadh.
  • St. Teresa Church, Santpura.
  • Buddhist temple, Chuna bhatti.


Modinagar is also having a great reputation in field of medical facilities. Many qualified MD and MS doctors are providing excellent services in the town, including:
  • Sarvodya Hospital,
  • Dr. S.C. Arya Medical and Research Center,
  • Jeevan Hospital,
  • Lok Priya Hospital,
  • Pyare Lal Hospital,
  • Ginni Modi Eye hospital,
  • Aakash Hospital,
  • IDST dental college and hospital,
  • Priyadsarshi hospital,
  • DJ dental college and hospital.
Most of the hospitals and medical stores are located near Raj Chaupla.

Restaurant , Shope and Hotels

Following is just an indicative list of some restaurants and hotels of Modinagar:

  • Hotel Pavilion, CMD, Modinagar
  • De-Meridian Hotel and Resorts, Near Sikri.
  • Food Plaza Hotel.
  • Jain Restaurant.


As of 2001 India census, Modinagar had a population of 2,72,918. Males constitute 53% of the population and females 47%. Modinagar has an average literacy rate of 75%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 81%, and female literacy is 69%. In Modinagar, 11% of the population is under 6 years of age.